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Upsetting the Apple cart: Man behind map-app fiasco fired

28-11-2012 12:00 AM

Ammon News - A man behind Apple Maps, that were widely criticized over various omissions and errors, has reportedly been ousted.

Apple executive Richard Williams, who was the leader of the team responsible for the horribly flawed map app was asked to leave the firm by Senior Vice President Eddy Cue, according to a report by Bloomberg.

The ouster of Williams comes hot on the heals of the axing of Apple's mobile-software chief Scott Forstall, who departed the company in October as part of a major management shakeup at the tech titan, the New York Daily News reports.

Apple Maps launched at the same time as the iPhone 5 and was supposed to replace the Google-powered mapping app that helped Apple's smartphone become a cult sensation.

The new app was widely panned by users who complained that routes frequently caused them to get lost while landmark searches often came up empty.

The app was so bad that CEO Tim Cook took the unusual step of writing an open apology to users in which he promised to improve the app.


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