No One Deserves Kadhafi ~ Randa Habib

05-03-2011 12:00 AM

Randa Habib’s Corner


No one deserves a Moamer Kadhafi as a leader. And if his ruthless teetering four-decade rule was not enough to prove that, we just have to watch the bloody ways he is using to crackdown on his own people who want change and a better life in this wealthy Arab country.

The man has been an enigma since he led a coup in 1969. With time, this unpredictable belligerent person, managed to become a joke, marginalising his country and his people.

His ego surpassed imagination: “Leader of the Arab leaders, the king of Africa’s kings and the imam of the Muslims!”

Libya was not big enough for Kadhafi who is blinded by greed. His neighbor, the late Tunisian president Habib Bourguiba was quick to brush him off publicly pointing at his lack of experience – which is dangerous if coupled with greed.

Kadhafi is said to have been the mastermind of many plots. In the 1980s, Kadhafi plotted to kill the Saudi monarch, and the late King Hussein. Tripoli’s ambassador to Amman at the time revealed details about the plots when he defected, accusing Kadhafi of ordering the murder of the Lebanese Shiite leader Moussa Sadr in Libya.

Today, Kadhafi is ending his rule with the ultimate crime: Murdering his own people, who have proved to the world that they are ready to die to restore their dignity and freedom.


* This op-ed by Randa Habib was refused to be published by the Jordan Times daily newspaper.

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