Paramedic died while rescuing citizens stranded in amusement park in Rusaifah

30-06-2024 09:40 AM

Ammon News - Muhammad Majid Abu Al-Fawares, a civil defense employee and paramedic, passed away on Sunday after sustaining injuries while assisting citizens at an amusement park in the Rusaifah District.

Amen FM's morning program mourned the loss of the martyr, Abu Al-Fawares.

Earlier, the media spokesperson for the Public Security Directorate (PSD) reported that the Rusaifah District Police Directorate had received a report about a malfunctioning ride in an amusement park with people trapped inside. Consequently, rescue and ambulance teams from the Rusaifah Civil Defense Directorate were immediately dispatched to the scene.

While dealing with the malfunction, a paramedic was injured and taken to the hospital, while the malfunction was dealt with and all people were evacuated from within the game without injuries except for a number of panic cases that were dealt with immediately and an investigation was opened into the incident, he added.

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