Thousands march in New York in solidarity with Palestinian people

31-03-2024 10:44 AM

Ammon News - More than 30,000 protesters took to the streets of New York City yesterday in protest of the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip and the atrocities perpetrated by Israeli occupation against innocent civilians in the enclave for over six months.

Massive marches also took place in several other American cities as part of commemorating the Palestinian Land Day and condemning the brutal Israeli war against the Palestinian people.

Demonstrations were held in Baltimore, Maryland, as well as in Boston, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Burlington, Vermont. These marches followed calls throughout the past week urging massive participation to remind the world of the ongoing plight of the Palestinian people for the past seven decades.

The protesters demanded that the U.S. administration cease financial and military support to the occupying state, pressing it to halt the war as soon as possible and withdraw from the Gaza Strip.


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