Occupation army re-arrests Jordanian engineer in Nablus

13-12-2023 12:35 PM

Ammon News - The Israeli occupation forces re-arrested the Jordanian prisoner, Eng. Abdullah Zitawi, on Tuesday evening, after they raided his home in the city of Nablus in the West Bank, where he lives.

Zitawi was released last year, 2022, after serving a 7-year prison sentence in the occupation prisons on charges of resisting the occupation.

the rapporteur of the National Committee for Jordanian Captives Persons in the Israeli Occupation Prisons, Fadi Farah, held the occupation authorities fully responsible for the safety of the prisoner Abdullah Zitawi, who is a member of the Jordanian Engineers Association.

He pointed to the worsening suffering of Jordanian prisoners in the occupation prisons, stressing that they have been subjected to systematic abuse, beatings and assault since October 7.

Zitawi’s family sent an appeal to the Jordanian government, demanding to know the fate of their son and work to release him immediately, as he was arrested without any charge.

The family also expressed their hope during the previous period that their son would be allowed to return to his homeland, Jordan, after the end of his sentence in the occupation prisons, without him being re-arrested again.


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