Jordan produces more than 70,000 job opportunities annually, DoS says

05-09-2023 01:10 PM

Ammon News - Director General of the Jordan Department of Statistics (DoS), Haidar Fraihat, said Tuesday that Jordan annually produces between 70 and 90 thousand job opportunities, and the number of workers in the public sector is 220,000 Jordanians, and the military is twice the number.

During a meeting of the Parliamentary Economy and Investment Committee to discuss statistical figures and data on poverty rates and GDP, Fraihat added that Jordan is the second lowest country in the world in terms of women employment numbers, and the rate still ranges at 14%, noting that youth unemployment rates reached 47%, according to recent statistics.

He explained that the GDP for 2022 amounted to 34 billion at current prices, a growth of 5.2% compared to the previous year, and 31 billion at constant prices, at a rate of 2.5%.

"At the beginning of 2024, there will be a link between the Department of Statistics, the Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank of Jordan, Department of Land and Survey, Income and Sales Tax Department, Jordan Customs Department, Companies Control Department and Ministry of Tourism, in order to establish an interactive national data center," according to Fraihat.

Until June of this year, exports amounted to half of imports, and this is an improvement in export rates, as it reached this percentage for the first time, he pointed.

Fraihat also indicated that the Jordanian economy is the best economy compared to the non-oil Arab countries.

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