Ammon News - The Amman Chamber of Industry (ACI) has reported a total of JD2.831 billion in exports of registered factories and businesses during the preceding five months of the current year. This figure represents a slight decrease from the JD2.856 billion recorded during the corresponding period in 2022.
Statistical data obtained by the Jordan News Agency (Petra) on Monday revealed that while exports from six sectors experienced growth, the remaining four sectors encountered a decline. The declines varied between 1.6 percent for the plastics and rubber industries and 13.5 percent for the wooden and furniture industries.
In terms of geographical distribution, Arab countries emerged as the primary destination for exports during the aforementioned period, with a value of approximately JD1.206 billion. Non-Arab Asian countries followed closely behind with exports amounting to JD855 million, while African countries accounted for roughly JD18 million.
Among the specific export destinations, North America ranked highest, receiving exports worth JD487 million, while South America received JD48 million. European Union countries imported goods valued at JD102 million, and non-EU European countries received about JD49 million. Other countries collectively imported goods totaling approximately JD66 million.
The distribution of the chamber's exports across sectors during the first five months of the current year showcased the mining industries sector at the forefront with a value of approximately JD847 million. The chemical and cosmetics sector followed with exports worth JD537 million, while the engineering, electrical, and information technology sectors accounted for JD407 million.
Exports from the supply, food, agricultural, and livestock industries amounted to JD326 million, while the medical supplies sector recorded exports worth JD242 million. Additionally, the leather and textiles industry contributed exports valued at JD184 million.
The remaining exports were distributed across various sectors. The packaging, paper, cardboard, and office supplies sector amounted to JD125 million, the plastic and rubber sector reached JD91 million, the construction sector stood at JD64 million, and the wooden and furniture industries recorded exports worth JD7 million.
Established in 1962, the Amman Chamber of Industry currently comprises 8,600 industrial facilities. These facilities collectively employ 159,000 workers, while the total capital invested in these industries amounts to around JD5 billion.