Israel supplies Jordan with about 100mcm of water in 2022, Minister says

16-03-2023 03:05 PM

Ammon News - Minister of Water and Irrigation Mohammad Najjar confirmed that Israel supplied Jordan with about 100 million cubic meters of water in 2022.

Among the 100mcm of water that entered Jordan last year, about 35 million through the 'peace treaty', and about 50 million additional ones outside the treaty were purchased, and about 10 million are stored in Sea of Galilee.

Jordan and the Israeli occupation signed a declaration of intent to rehabilitate and improve the environment and water system of the Jordan River and the Dead Sea, on the sidelines of the Sharm el-Sheikh climate summit.

A quarter of Jordan's water resources are shared with neighbouring countries, according to Ibrahim Hiyasat, advisor to the Minister of Water and Irrigation.

The Secretary-General of the Jordan Valley Authority, Manar Mahasneh said that the water supply to Jordan outside the treaty (50mcm) over a period of 3 years began in May 2021 and it will end in May 2024.

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