Ammon News - Prime Minister Bishr Khasawneh on Wednesday made a surprise visit to the Department of Lands and Survey and was briefed on the work progress of the services provided.
During the visit, the Prime Minister stressed the need to speed up the completion of citizens' paperwork, reduce the time it takes to finish them, and remove any bureaucratic obstacles in accordance with the law. He also underlined the need for the department's work to be swift and accurate and for streamlining procedures while simultaneously preserving private and public rights and properties.
Khasawneh instructed the department to move ahead with the automation of all services in accordance with standards that guarantee rights, reduce human involvement, and make a difference in the level and speed of services provided. He underscored the need to operate within a framework that preserves people's rights, and ensures the elimination of any infringement on the law.
The general feature of the Jordanian administration, he noted, is commitment and the rule of law, underlining the need for the highest levels of transparency, integrity, and facilitations for citizens, especially in important departments such as the Department of Lands and Surveys, which is the backbone of real estate ownership.
The Prime Minister pointed out the need for the department's mechanisms to keep pace with the efforts aimed at enabling investment and supporting the private sector using clear, transparent and automated procedures to contributes to supporting existing and future investments.
"We always count on our good cadres in our institutions and employ their expertise and competencies in developing work mechanisms, facilitating procedures and avoiding old methods of service provision. Tax-paying citizens have the right to decent services within a reasonable timescale," he added.