Turkey will not turn back from Russia’s S-400s, despite US pressure: Official

11-02-2021 11:33 PM

Ammon News -

Turkey will not turn back from its acquisition of Russian S-400 defense systems, over which the United States sanctioned Ankara, presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said on Thursday, adding that Ankara would seek to resolve issues with its NATO ally through dialogue.

Washington imposed long-anticipated sanctions on Ankara over the S-400 missiles in December, in a move Ankara has condemned.

Turkey’s defense minister said on Tuesday that Ankara would propose only partially activating the S-400s in negotiations with the United States.

Speaking in an interview with state broadcaster TRT Haber, Kalin said the minister’s comments had been misunderstood, but did not elaborate.

He said talks were being held with Washington over disagreements, but that quick solutions to problems over a host of issues should not be expected.


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