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Israeli perception of just peace

10-11-2018 01:50 AM

AMMONNEWS - By Dr majed shami - Never in the history of mankind we have heard or read about peacefull nations the way the Israeli people love it.

They love making peace with themselves and with other nations.

They are peace paranoid to the extent that they went even further than the rules of nature wishing to make peace with all his mighty God.

This is what I call a nation with a lot of peace aspiration in their mind. They master twisting words in a quest of peace. It is a nation that are professional in fabricating lies, thereafter, starting to believe it.

No wonder why George bush the son, on every possible event, enthusiastically announced that Sharon is a man of peace, at a time when Sharon was delightfully slaughtering the Palestinian kids during the stones uprising of year 2000. Why Sharon did that? because he wished to make peace with the Palistinians before he faces all his mighty God, and the Palistinians ignored him.

Yet, Israeli never wanting to give up, and they raised up the flag so high sloganed "give peace a second chance" , this time carried forward by their prime minister Netanyahu who is so madly in love with peace. A man who is so great that his dream is not only wanting to make the occupied territory of Palistine a better place to live, but he wants to make the whole region of the middle east looks like heaven on earth.

Evidenced by the fact that during the world cup tournament, he appeared on a short video clip begging the Iranian citizens to rebel against their leaders in the quest for ever lasting peace with Isreal, and in the aftermath to play football with them in Jerusalem where both shall win.

Blessed the peace loving makers, like Netanyahu, for he shall be called the child of God. Furthmore, today I read about Israel intention to inaugurate the so called "regional peace train" an announcement is made by Israel katz who is transportation and Intelligence Minister, who is heading to Oman to discuss a regional rail line at a transportation conference in Muscat, on the assumption that such an act will help foster peace in this part of the world.

From the above mentioned points we can simply realise how desperate Israel for peace, conditioned that it is with an Isreali recipe. In this regard i shall advice the Israeli leaders once again to remember that "you can fool some people some times but you cannot fool all people all the time". And, if you are really serious about peace, let me tell you how you start.

First, make peace with yourself and within your own community by stopping descrimination aganist Falashia jews and stop treating them as a downscaled class. Second, extend your hand to make a just peace with the people that you are currently occupying their own lands, I mean the oppressed Palestinian people, thereafter, you may make peace with other nations. but most importantly is to make peace with God all his mighty, asking him for forgiveness, for one day you crucified Jesus Christ the king of peace. In conclusion, there will be no peace on the face of earth if it is according to Israeli recipe.

A real peace message came on the face of earth, at the time of Jesus Christ, who was a Palistinan jews and his followers and his believers converted to christianity. In conclusion, a call for peace that comes from the heart of the occupied land of Palestine is considered the half empty of a cup of water because the half full are still living under oppression of the apartheid system of Israel. God please give the Palistinians the courage to stand up high in the face of corrupted new world order that applaud the oppressors and curse the oppressed.

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