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Anahid Fayad, From Gaza to Syria to Amman and Back

17-06-2013 04:01 PM

Ammon News - The crisis in Syria has driven thousands of people to flee ... actors and artists also.

One of those who had to leave is Syrian actress Anahid Fayad.

Anahid is originally and Palestinian from Gaza ... she fled Syria and took refuge in Jordan.

She has also been given the Jordanian nationality by her Jordanian husband.

She took the opportunity to also take a trip back home, to Gaza and check out the situation there and meet her relatives.

She prayed to God that things in Syria won't go even worse, and that the crisis would end soon.

She also felt sad for the place Syrian drama has come to; actors are outside the country, the number of series has dwindled this year and some works are a sham!

Some works are riding the wave of the war in Syria, others are trying to shed light on the suffering of the Syrian people and others are just a farce!

It's true people need a laugh, but some works are just silly!

What do you think of Anahid's points of view?


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