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Home / Jordan News

King: Constitutional Court key to safeguard constitution, supremacy of law

20-05-2013 12:45 PM

Ammon News - AMMAN (Petra) – His Majesty King Abdullah II said on Sunday that the Constitutional Court is a key landmark in Jordan's reform drive as it carries out its role of safeguarding the constitution and reinforce the values of justice, integrity and neutrality.

The king said during a meeting with the head and members of the newly-established court that it has the key role of enhancing the respect of law, reinforcing the state of institutions and protecting citizens' rights and freedoms.

His Majesty reiterated his support of the court's independence and transparency, stressing that all authorities should cooperate with the court to help it to fully carry out its tasks.

The court, which was established after the amendment of a third of the constitution's articles as an independent judicial entity, has the task of verifying the constitutionality of valid laws and regulations and interpreting the constitution's text.

President of the court Taher Hikmat said the King's visit to the court's headquarters is a landmark in the country's democratic and constitutional life, adding it would help to advance the democratic reform and modernization drive which the king had launched early.

Hikmat said the court is a guarantor and key reference that seeks to underpin the respect of the constitution and the separation of powers and protect citizens' rights and freedoms in a free and safe country where a human's dignity and right to a decent and stable life is protected.

He said the King's visit is a clear reaffirmation that the reform process is on a solid track.

"This is not a mere slogan or wishful thinking, but a set of measures being enforced within a clear and solid vision, having explored and comprehended the reality of change sweeping the world, particularly our region," he said.

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