Ammon News - AMMAN (Petra) Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah chaired today the Jordan River Foundation JRF board of trustees annual meeting to discuss the foundation's annual strategy, future plans and programs to be implemented across the Kingdom this year. As JRF Chairperson, the queen discussed with board members ways of strengthening the foundation's programs to empower local communities and enable them to take the lead in the development process thus improving the lives of their individuals. JRF Director General Ghaleb Al Qudah spoke about the foundation's five-year strategy and said some of the current programs will be expanded to cover various issues relating to youth as well as different means to enhance economic and social opportunities in different areas in the Kingdom.
He pointed out that JRF will start implementing environmental and energy-saving projects, such as the solar water heaters. This project, implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, aims to promote a culture of energy saving among local communities and reduce the amount of electricity bills, he said.
Al Qudah also explained that their strategy will focus on reaching as much areas as possible in the Kingdom.
Since it was established in 1995 as a Jordanian non-profit, non-governmental organization, JRF has affected the lives of 1,337,184 direct and indirect beneficiaries through its multiple programs, projects and initiatives. It works with local communities in 33 districts and 18 sub-districts in Jordan.