Fallen Jordanian peacekeeper laid to rest

26-12-2012 12:00 AM

Ammon News - AMMONNEWS - A Jordanian soldier serving within the Jordanian peacekeeping contingent in the west African nation of Ivory Coast, was laid to rest on Wednesday after he fell from a building in the crisis-hit nation.

Corporal Mohammad al-Sarhan was flown home and buried in his hometown of Mughair al-Sarhan northeast of the Kingdom. An official military funeral ceremony processions were held as his fellow servicemen carried the flag-draped casket.

Commander of the Jordan Airforce Major-General Malik Habashneh and top armed forced officers took part in the funeral and offered heart-felt condolences and sympathy to Al-Sarhan family.

Jordan is a key country in the United Nations peacekeeping missions with the Kingdom deploying peacekeeping contingents in various war-torn and crisis-hit nations across the globe.


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