King congratulates Christian community on Christmas, New Year

25-12-2012 12:00 AM

Ammon News - Irbid, (Petra) His Majesty King Abdullah II on Sunday congratulated the Christian community in the Kingdom on Christmas and the New Year at a meeting with representatives of the Christian community and a number of the northern city of Irbid's dignitaries and citizens.

The King stressed, during the meeting attended by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Hussein bin Abdullah II, the values of love, fraternity and co-existence between the various components of the one Jordanian family.

Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos III thanked the King for his keenness to congratulate the Christians on their occasions. He also highlighted the King's efforts to promote the values of love and peace among peoples.

"We are proud that your Hashemite care includes our Muslim and Christian holy sites in a country the whole world sees to enjoy a unique characteristic of freedom of worship and coexistence among all," the patriarch said.

Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Fouad Twal said: "Together, we will work to build Jordan and establish good citizenship and true freedom, and promote peace and stability and the values of life and family." //Petra// AA

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