Jordan's oil bill increases to JD770 million

25-05-2024 12:21 PM

Ammon News - The Kingdom's bill of crude oil increased during the first quarter of this year to reach JD770 million, compared to JD758 million for the same period in 2023.

Data from the Department of Statistics (DoS) indicated an increase in the Kingdom’s imports of crude oil, its derivatives, and mineral oils in the first quarter of this year, by 1.6 percent.

Crude oil topped the list of petroleum derivatives imports in the first quarter of 2024, reaching JD247 million, followed by fuel and mineral oils with about JD242 million, then diesel "solar" with JD143 million, petroleum spirits "gasoline" with about JD121 million, and lubricating oils with about JD9 million, and kerosene worth JD7 million.

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