Israeli colonists set fire to agricultural lands and vehicle scrapyard south of Nablus

20-05-2024 09:36 AM

Ammon News - On Sunday evening, Israeli colonist militias set fire to agricultural lands and a scrapyard in the village of Yatma, located south of Nablus in the occupied West Bank.

Ahmed Sanobar, head of the Yatma Village Council, told WAFA that hundreds of colonists attacked the village under the protection of Israeli occupation forces.

The assailants torched a scrapyard and large areas of farmland, and also threw stones at a house on the outskirts of the village, he added.

Sanobar reported that villagers confronted the attackers and managed to extinguish the fires.

Confrontations ensued between the residents and the attacking colonists, supported by Israeli soldiers who fired live ammunition and tear gas canisters at the former. No injuries were reported.

Earlier in the evening, dozens of colonists attacked a truck carrying agricultural aid near the town of Beita, south of Nablus.


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