Hundreds of slain Palestinians found in Gaza's Al Shifa hospital following Israeli withdrawal

01-04-2024 12:32 PM

Ammon News - Hundreds of bodies of slain civilians were found in Shifa Medical Complex and its surroundings, west of Gaza City, following the complete withdrawal of the Israeli occupation forces from inside the complex and its surrounding areas, medical sources confirmed on Monday.

Local sources said that the occupation forces withdrew completely from inside Al-Shifa Hospital and the surrounding residential neighborhoods earlier on Monday towards the areas south of = Tal Al-Hawa neighborhood, southwest of Gaza City.

According to eyewitnesses, the withdrawal revealed that the occupation forces burned all the buildings of Al-Shifa Hospital and made it completely out of service.

Medical sources explained that the Israeli army completely destroyed floors in the specialized surgeries building, and burned the rest of the building, and the main reception and emergency building, and destroyed dozens of its rooms and all the medical equipment in it.

The Israeli forces also burned the kidney and maternity buildings, the morgues, cancer and burns refrigeration facilities, and destroyed the outpatient clinics building.

Dozens of slain Palestinians were found in Al-Shifa Medical Complex and in the streets of Omar Al-Mukhtar, Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam, Abu Hasira, Bakr, and Haboush, all surrounding the hospital.

The sources explained that the army destroyed the temporary cemetery that citizens had set up in Shifa Medical Complex, took out the bodies of the martyrs and the dead from it, and dumped them in different areas of the hospital.

Witnesses reported that the occupation forces burned or destroyed many homes and residential buildings in the vicinity of Al-Shifa Medical Complex, which includes thousands of residential units.

Civil defense crews in Gaza said that the occupation destroyed all departments, buildings and infrastructure in Al-Shifa Complex, adding that it is difficult to count the number of slain civilians, especially since it bulldozed the roads and buried the bodies inside and around the complex.

The army also bulldozed all the graves surrounding the complex and took the bodies out of the ground.

The sources added that all those who had previously received relief appeals were found today to have been killed in the complex.

The occupation forces also executed citizens handcuffed.

14 days ago, the occupation forces stormed the Al-Shifa Medical Complex and its surrounding areas and carried out a massive military operation there, killing and wounding and detaining hundreds.

This is the second time that the occupation forces have stormed the hospital since the beginning of the hostilities on the Gaza Strip on October 7, 2023.

They stormed it on November 16, 2023 after besieging it for a week, during which its courtyards, parts of its buildings, medical equipment, and the electricity generator were destroyed.


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