School hours during Ramadan start at 9:00 am

03-03-2024 03:22 PM

Ammon News - Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Azmi Mahafzah, decided to determine school hours during the holy month of Ramadan.

The first class in schools begins at 9:00 am, and the duration of the class session in one-period schools is 40 minutes, while in two-period schools it is 35 minutes, provided that the first class in the evening period begins at 12:50 pm, according to the minister.

The decision also indicated that the working hours of the education directorates start from 9:00 am till 2:00 pm.

Schools with one period, the 8th class will be cancelled, the break duration will be 10 minutes, the break between classes will be cancelled, and the 7th class will end at 1:50 pm.

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