ICI Reports $88 Million in Exports for November 2023

03-12-2023 01:16 PM

Ammon News - The Irbid Chamber of Industry (ICI) issued certificates of origin totaling $88 million during November, indicating a 12% decrease compared to the same month in 2022 when it reached $100 million.

Al-Hassan Industrial Estate dominated exports with a value of $82 million, followed by Cyber City at $5 million. The majority of exports belonged to the leather and woven industries sector, accounting for $76 million.

The breakdown of export sectors includes food and catering industries at $4 million, therapeutic industries and medical supplies at $3.2 million, and others spanning chemical, engineering, electrical, plastics, rubber, and construction industries, as well as paper and cardboard.

The United States received the highest share of exports at $52 million, followed by European countries at $11.5 million, Arab countries at $9.5 million, Canada at $4 million, Southeast Asian countries at $1 million, and the rest of the world at $9 million.

Hani Abu Hassan, President of the ICI, highlighted the knitting sector's dominance, constituting 86% of the governorate's exports. He noted a gradual recovery in Irbid's export trends after facing significant declines in recent months.

Irbid's exports to Arab countries accounted for approximately 11% of the total exports.


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