King follows up on progress in Dead Sea development zone plan

29-11-2023 09:20 AM

Ammon News - His Majesty King Abdullah on Tuesday followed up on progress in the implementation of the Dead Sea development zone plan.

At a meeting attended by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II and held at Al Husseiniya Palace, King Abdullah called for promoting investment opportunities and providing incentives to various sectors, including tourism.

His Majesty called for benefiting from experiences in other development zones to attract investments and remove potential obstacles.

The meeting, attended by Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh, covered the ongoing work to assess market needs and update the masterplan for the development zone, as well as expedite delayed projects, engage with investors, and highlight the advantages offered by the Dead Sea area.

Director of the Office of His Majesty Jafar Hassan and Investment Minister Kholoud Saqqaf attended the meeting.

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