FM: Israel cannot remain above international law

23-11-2023 01:59 PM

Ammon News - Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs, Ayman Safadi, on Thursday called for an immediate halt to the Israeli aggression against the besieged Gaza Strip, stressing that this blatant aggression against civilians is not self-defense.

In a unified message to members of the Arab-Islamic ministerial committee charged with international action to stop the war on Gaza, he added at the conclusion of a tour they conducted to China, Russia, and the United Kingdom, that “Israel cannot remain above international law and must be held accountable for the war crimes it committed in the Gaza Strip.”

Safadi stressed that “selectivity in applying international law must end, and adequate humanitarian supplies must reach all parts of Gaza, including its north.”

He also confirmed that ending the occupation on the basis of the two-state solution is the only way to achieve security.

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