PSD evacuates homes raided by rain in Amman, Karak

20-11-2023 03:01 PM

Ammon News - The Public Security Directorate (PSD) continued on Monday to provide security, traffic, and humanitarian services, in light of the prevailing weather conditions, last night and this morning, and it responded through its formations and units to a number of reports.

Civil defense personnel in western Amman dealt with a number of reports resulting from the rise in water levels in a number of residential apartments, which were dealt with without any significant injuries.

In the Karak Governorate, civil defense personnel responded to information about the presence of a family trapped inside a mobile home due to torrential rains flowing in the Zahoum area, so specialized teams evacuated them to a safe place.

The PSD called on citizens to call the unified emergency number 911 to request assistance when needed.

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