Netanyahu, Biden discuss expanding circle of peace

24-09-2023 11:37 AM

Ammon News - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met in California with billionaire Elon Musk and leading figures in the field of artificial intelligence.

"In New York I had an excellent meeting with US President Joe Biden in which we discussed expanding the circle of peace, a continuation of the Abraham Accords that we brought three years ago. I also met with about twenty heads of state from five continents who all request our proximity. Two of them even announced the transfer of their embassy to Jerusalem, good news for the new year. I also met with Henry Kissinger and many other personalities, including the heads of the Jewish organizations in the United States," Netanyahu wrote on “X” platform.

At the same time, his wife participated in a number of events with leaders' wives, including the wife of the US president, Jill Biden, and was warmly received by her and the leaders' wives, he said, adding: "I am proud of her work for our country."

The speech at the UN was broadcast live not only on the American news networks, but this time also in an unprecedented manner in Saudi Arabia - this is also a good sign for the new year, Netanyahu stated.

I will continue to work hard to bring more achievements to our beloved country, he noted.

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