Dutch seismologist warns of “strong seismic activity”

21-09-2023 12:18 PM

Ammon News - Dutch seismologist Frank Hogrebets warned of the possibility of strong seismic activity in the coming days.

"As shown in the latest forecast, the convergence of the planets and the Moon on the 19th could lead to stronger seismic activity. But we still have no clear indication of the most dangerous areas. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad," Hogrebets said, in a tweet on his official account on the “X” platform (formerly Twitter)

Hogrebets had previously warned of the possibility of a devastating earthquake, most notably the earthquake that struck Turkey on February 6, which left more than 50,000 dead and tens of thousands injured, as he expected this to happen 3 days ago.

On the other hand, scientists insist that earthquakes and earthquakes cannot be predicted.

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