Powerful 6.2 magnitude earthquake strikes New Zealand’s South Island

20-09-2023 01:15 PM

Ammon News - A 6.2 magnitude earthquake has struck New Zealand’s South Island on Wednesday morning.

The quake began at 9:14am (local time) and was centered almost 120 kilometers from Christchurch.

The epicenter of the large quake was located 45 kilometers north of the town of Geraldine in the Canterbury region of the South Island.

It was recorded at a depth of 11 kilometres, according to GeoNet.

The NZ monitoring and response outfit has received more than 14,000 reports for the powerful quake.

There have been no reports of major damage but the shaking was experienced right across the country.

Aftershocks have been felt in the Canterbury region, with GeoNet reporting a 3.6 quake in the same area at 9:25am (local time).

The National Emergency Management Agency has confirmed there is no tsunami risk to New Zealand despite the strength of the quake.

The South Island’s Canterbury region was left devastated by the 2011 earthquake which struck on February 22, killing 185 people and causing damage across the Christchurch area.

The 6.2 magnitude earthquake on Wednesday was the largest to hit New Zealand this year.

Sky News Australia

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