World leaders gear up for 78th UN General Assembly in New York

18-09-2023 10:10 AM

Ammon News - Heads of state and government officials from across the globe have converged on New York City, home to the United Nations headquarters, in preparation for the commencement of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, which is scheduled to begin on Tuesday. The primary objective of this annual gathering is for world leaders to articulate their countries' positions on critical international matters.

A total of 11 Arab leaders are slated to participate in the deliberations during the much-anticipated "High-Level Week," with four of them representing their countries as heads of government. The remaining leaders will be represented by their foreign ministers.

A document procured by the Jordan News Agency (Petra) offers insights into the lineup of participating delegations at the presidential or prime ministerial level. Notable Arab nations on this list include Jordan, Qatar, Egypt, Algeria, Comoros, Mauritania, Yemen, Sudan, Palestine, Morocco, and Libya. However, Morocco and Libya's involvement at the leadership level remains uncertain due to recent natural disasters that have impacted their countries.

Among the participants, Kuwait, Lebanon, Iraq, and Somalia will be represented by their heads of government, while the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Syria, Bahrain, and Tunisia will advocate for their countries' positions.

In adherence to the time-honored tradition of the United Nations, the first speaker during the annual General Assembly sessions, spanning a full week, is the President of Brazil. Following this, the President of the United States addresses the assembly, followed by leaders of other countries or their designated representatives. Of particular significance, Jordan will take its place as the first Arab nation to address the assembly and will be the fourth to speak on the global stage.


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