UK Embassy, WADI partner to clean forest in Al-Salt on World Cleanup Day

16-09-2023 03:36 PM

Ammon News - On the occasion of the World Clean-up Day, the staff of the British Embassy in Amman partnered with WADI for Sustainable Ecosystem Development, and Ahel El-Balad Association, to clean a forest site in Al-Salt Governorate.

The activity coincided with the global call for action “Let’s Do It Movement”, which aims at cleaning litter in urban areas and community dwellings in more than 190 countries. In Jordan, the clean-up event took place in Salt governorate, where WADI hosts a nursery for the propagation of native seedlings to support ecosystem restoration.

Helen Fazey, Deputy Head of Mission at the British Embassy, said: “We are proud to work with WADI on the occasion of the International Clean-up Day. We are pleased to clean-up this area with the local community as they take pride and ownership.

Having enjoyable and accessible public spaces is an undeniable right as much as it is our collective responsibility”.

Tariq Abu Taleb, WADI Executive director, said: “Littering and debris lead to the degradation of natural sites, including forests.

Plastic waste is harmful to the soil and ecosystem, and can have long-lasting effects on wildlife and human life”.

Also, Mohammad Asfour, Ahel El Balad Co-Founder stated: “At Ahel Al Balad, we are proud of our values and mission of spreading positivity in our community through volunteering. We achieve this through collaboration with various segments of our society and on both an organizational and individual level. It's important to stay positive, live a green and sustainable life, believe that even small changes can make a difference, while being friendly to the environment and people.”

“This day helped British Embassy staff and their families understand the tremendous work that community based organizations are leading to make Jordan greener, cleaner and more resilient”, concluded Widad Menjra, Climate Lead at the British Embassy Amman.

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