80,000 people evacuated in southern China due to heavy rains

09-09-2023 12:54 PM

Ammon News - Chinese authorities evacuated more than 80,000 people in Guangdong province in southern China to safe places by Friday evening due to heavy rains and floods, according to the province’s flood, drought and typhoon control headquarters.

Typhoon Haikui has caused heavy rains in many cities and counties in the Pearl River Delta region since the day before Thursday, leading to floods, landslides and road closures.

The province’s Disaster Mitigation Committee raised the emergency response level for disaster relief to the second level on Friday evening, and 15 cities began emergency measures to deal with floods.

Schools were closed in the cities of Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Jiangmen, and in some parts of the cities of Foshan, Dongguan and Guangzhou, according to the Xinhua News Agency. The services of 47 trains were suspended and measures were implemented to deal with traffic, including the closure of 79 sections of roads, six toll collection centers on the roads and one of the bridges.

Pledge Times

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