Hero boy calls 999 and saves mum's life after she has deadly allergic reaction

04-09-2023 01:29 PM

Ammon News - An eight-year-old boy who rang emergency services while his mum was dying and unable to speak has been hailed a hero for saving her life.

Ryan Reid called paramedics after noticing his mum Alicia, from Kidderminster, was experiencing a serious case of anaphylaxis and was left unable to breath and talk.

The worrying event happened after the 27-year-old mum took some prescribed antibiotics which caused an allergic reaction and sent her body into shock.

She had a doctors appointment for a stomach pain and her GP prescribed her a new antibiotic after incorrectly diagnosing her with a UTI.

The mum-of-two said she could feel herself falling unconscious and said her skin had turned scarlet red when Ryan noticed something was wrong.

Instead of panicking, the schoolboy kept his cool and calmly called 999 and gave them the right postcode and address, who was guided through the process by Ryan's dad who had been called just moments before the incident.

Alicia said: "It was just after lunch, I went to the pharmacy to get these antibiotics, the kids wanted to watch a film. I put the film on and took the antibiotics.

"Five minutes after I needed the inhaler, 10 minutes after I was really struggling. I was wheezing, I usually control it with my inhaler. I had my pink steroid inhaler as the blue wasn’t working.

"It just kept getting worse. I had an itchy throat. Ryan kept asking if I was ok. I didn’t want him to think I wasn’t ok.

"He told his dad that he called an ambulance as I couldn’t breathe. The call handler asked him all the questions, and he knew all the answers. He knew our address and postcode which I was shocked at."

Alicia said Ryan, who she described as a "very anxious little boy" didn't need any help when calling 999 and said she was shocked at how many details he knew.

She added: "He let the ambulance crew where my inhalers were, my name, he just basically let them know everything. I tried to point to the antibiotic, he picked them up and said that I had one of those.

"He saved my life. I know while he was on the phone, I was sat on the phone trying to get as much breath as I possibly could. I could feel it getting harder. I felt my knees going on the floor. If the paramedics didn’t come when they did I would’ve passed out.

"I was scarlet red when I came in. My whole body was red. Him seeing me like that didn’t scare him. I felt like my lips had really swollen."

"I'm extremely proud, he’s quite mature. I've taught him from the age of four or five in case I have an asthma attack to phone 999 if you need to.


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