Ammon News - Jordan will host the first meeting of an Arab technical team tasked with negotiating with international media companies on Tuesday, August 29th, organized by the Ministry of Government Communication.
The two-day meetings will be inaugurated by the Minister of Government Communication and government spokesperson Faisal Shboul, in the presence of the Assistant Secretary-General and Supervisor of the Media and Communication Sector of the Arab League Ambassador Ahmed Rashid Khattabi.
The team will mull over the mechanisms of negotiation with international media companies and prepare all the conditions and rules emanating from the unified Arab strategy for dealing with international media companies, in addition to an Arab guideline to regulate social media platforms and means, regulate the work of digital broadcasting platforms and deal with digital taxes.
The meeting of the Arab team comes, in implementation of the decision of the Council of Arab Ministers of Information No. (533) during its fifty-third regular session in Morocco, to adopt a Jordanian proposition to unify Arab strategy to deal with international media companies and form an Arab technical team to negotiate with these companies headed by Jordan and the membership of: Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Iraq, the Technical Secretariat of the Council of Arab Information Ministers and the Arab States Broadcasting Union.
The Arab strategy seeks to promote Arab content and defend Arab and Islamic causes, foremost of which is the Palestinian cause from negative propaganda and Islamophobia, protect children and young people from harmful content, counter hate speech, false news and attacks on privacy, in addition to preserving the right of the media in the advertising market, which social media platforms have been taking the lion's share of.