Ammon News - The Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship and the European Union (EU) on Sunday collaborated to host a three-day workshop focused on artificial intelligence (AI).
The objective of the workshop is to support Jordan's Artificial Intelligence Strategy and Implementation Plan (2023-2027) by enhancing competencies in the Ministry and other related authorities.
With over 120 attendees from both public and private sectors and experts from various countries, the workshop's theme is centered around building capacities and introducing best practices for implementing artificial intelligence strategies and projects.
Director of the Policy and Information Department at the Ministry Abdel Qader Batayneh said this workshop is part of the EU's TAIEX program in the field of artificial intelligence. He noted the long-standing cooperation between the Ministry and the EU, the latest of which was the launch of the 5-year AI strategy in 2022.
Angela Martini, the Deputy Head of the EU Delegation in Jordan, expressed her delight in being a part of this significant workshop dedicated to serving artificial intelligence. She highlighted how AI has contributed to several areas such as medicine, education, agriculture, and more.
She emphasized the significance of the partnership between Jordan and the EU, stating that the EU is committed to promoting economic growth through the advancement of information technology solutions, assistance in the digital transformation strategy execution, and the digitalization of government services.