Slovakia: 12 tourists dig themselves out of avalanche, survive

13-03-2023 12:10 PM

Ammon News - A hiking group of 12 tourists was engulfed in an avalanche in the Slovakian High Tatras, the mountain rescue service HZS said on Saturday, but all managed to survive.

Three people had to be taken to hospital with injuries to the chest and legs, while the others did not suffer any serious injuries.

The tourists had been swept downhill by the avalanche, but were not buried deep.

They were thus able to help dig each other out until the mountain rescuers they had alerted reached them.

A rescue helicopter could not be used due to stormy weather.

By the time the rescuers arrived with two search dogs, some of the tourists already met them on foot.

The rest of the group took care of the most seriously injured hiker, who was unable to walk.

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