Jordan: EU-funded programme on elimination of sexual and gender-based violence against women came to an end

03-08-2022 03:48 PM

Ammon News - EU-funded programme « Putting Words into action for the elimination of sexual and gender-based violence against women (SGVB) » came to an end, euneighbours reported.

This 2-year programme was implemented by the Princess Taghrid Institute, targeting orphaned and abandoned girls and single mothers in 4 governorates (Amman, Jerash, Irbid and Karak), using a two-fold mechanism to enable prevention and protection for these vulnerable groups.

The programme intervened through awareness sessions on SGBV, trainings for the caregivers, strengthening the referral system, and 12 subgrants for community-based organisations to create safe spaces and help vulnerable women be empowered through their own products and productions, according euneighbours.

100 beneficiaries has been chosen from each area and the program was implemented in two phases, phase one lasted 12 months and focused on Amman and Karak, while phase two was conducted in Jerash and Irbid.

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