Ammon News - Minister of Agriculture, Khaled Hneifat, on Tuesday visited the Amman Flowers Bourse and was briefed on received quantities from various types of flowers.
Hneifat said that the ministry will follow up on the local production of different types of flowers, and organize the importing process of unavailable flowers prior to sale seasons, and in a manner that achieves the interest of the supply chains, including producers, importers and owners of flower shops, as well as ensuring sustainability of the sector, which provides jobs for the youth during harvesting, production and marketing stages.
In his tour, Hneifat exchanged conversation with producers, importers and flower shops owners. They told the minister that the recent drop in temperatures, led to a decrease in flower quantities received from some types in specific seasons related to the holidays, although the ministry allows the import of roses and other varieties from mid-December until the end of March of each year.