Ammon News - Minister of Interior, Mazen Faraiah, and Minister of Labor, Nayef Steitieh, on Saturday visited the Al-Jafr district, southern Jordan, and met with citizens who presented their demands and challenges.
During the tour, they said that they will solve citizens issues, which can be resolved directly by a decision from them, and raise the rest of demands to the cabinet and relevant ministries.
The two ministers toured farms at the Al-Jafr district and met with farmers to listen to their demands and challenges they face regarding land ownership and employment.
Both ministers met with figures, representatives of the local community and a group of unemployed young men, farmers and investors, and discussed challenges, issues and priority demands.
Faraiah said that the field tour of Al-Jafr district is a continuation of the government's approach to reach out to citizens and listening to their demands, noting that the ministry will work to meet the demands that need immediate action, and consider other demands to be resolved either through the cabinet or other relevant ministries.
Steitieh said that the tour and meeting with Al-Jafr district citizens is a reaffirmation of procedures that young men and women of Al-Jafr will soon see in reality.