Ammon News - The Jordanian National Commission for Women (JNCW) participated in a workshop to develop a joint action plan for the 2022 National Child Welfare Agenda.
According to a JNCW statement on Wednesday, the workshop completes efforts to implement the second phase of the National Plan for Women’s Economic Empowerment for 2019-2024, with the support of the World Bank's Mashreq Gender Facility (MGF), which is in line with goals and indicators of Jordan's women’s strategy for 2020-2025.
The event also aimed to form a common understanding of the tasks and nature of cooperation within the MGF to benefit from the stakeholders' expertise and to build on the current achievements in building the 2022 action plan, the statement noted.
The event also seeks to benefit from the results of studies and data to help carry out future plans, procedures and proposed coordination efforts, the statement pointed out.
During the workshop, a common vision for an enhanced environment for early childhood care was defined, supported by coherent policies based on joint action among the relevant institutions to empower women economically and achieve family well-being and stability, the statement added.
The MGF was launched by the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) in 2019, in cooperation with Canada, Norway, the private sector, civil society organizations and development partners, comes in the context of supporting the governments of Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon in their efforts to increase economic opportunities for women.
The MGF provides technical assistance to the Mashreq countries to promote women’s economic empowerment, by cooperation with the private sector, civil society organizations and development partners.