Ammon News - The Women Development Organization in Cairo (WDO) in collaboration with the UN Women, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on Thursday launched the first round of discussions on the establishment of a Multi-partner Trust Fund.
The event aimed to inform member states and development partners on the newly established WDO and engage in an open exchange on thematic orientation and the organization’s strategic priorities. Furthermore, the meeting explored ideas about the WDO Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) and possibilities for funding opportunities within the proposed workstreams of the MPTF.
Deputy Executive Director of the WDO, ambassador Ehab Fawzy, emphasized that the WDO will be the center of gender architecture of the OIC system. He outlined the first programmatic cycle of the WDO and the linkage between its components and the MPTF four pillars which are; Promoting Women’s Economic Empowerment & Financial Inclusion, Elimination of Violence and harmful practices against women and girls, Women’s leadership in promoting peaceful and inclusive societies, Role of women in fighting corruption.
Maya Morsy, the President of the National Council for Women and the Chair of the First Ministerial Council of WDO, highlighted the importance of the WDO and its establishment within the OIC system as it was the case with the establishment of UNWomen within the UN system. She also gave a background about the history of the establishment of WDO which started since 2005 and the adoption of its statute in 2010 and entering into force in 2020.
The second part of the event included technical presentations on the four thematic pillars of the WDO and the policy papers which were developed for them by the UN Women, the UNODC, and independent institutions, such as the Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights, in addition to the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB0 that presented its perspective about cooperation with WDO.
The coordinator of the MPTF Office participated virtually from New York to explain the standard procedures of establishing the MPTF and the different types of MPTFs.