U.S.-bound exports from Al-Hassan Industrial Estate at $505mln in H1

12-07-2021 03:56 PM

Ammon News - The Al-Hassan Industrial Estate shipped exports worth $505 million to the U.S. market in the first half of 2021, comprising 70 per cent of its total exports in the 6-month period, according to Omar Juwaid, Director-General of the Jordan Industrial Estates Corporation (JIEC).

He told Petra in an interview that the Irbid-based estate sends exports to Canada, Europe, Southeast Asia and a number of Arab countries, noting that the facility is home to 132 industrial manufacturers, including 82 Jordanian companies.

Juwaid added that the Al-Hassan Industrial Estate, with an investment volume of JD427, provides about 30,000 jobs and mainly accommodates foodstuff, textile, pharmaceutical, plastic, chemical and packaging industries among others.


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