Gov't exempts closed sectors form taxes in 2021

01-07-2021 12:39 AM

Ammon News -

The Cabinet decided to exempt sectors which was entirely shut down under defense orders and relevant circulars from the entire Lore, Property and Land Tax for the closure period during 2021.

The decision, approved in a session, chaired by Prime Minister, Bisher Khasawneh, on Wednesday, aims at helping closed sectors recover from the economic effects and damage they sustained during the period of their closure due to the impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic.

The Council of Ministers also decided to extend its previous decision to grant discounts on taxes, fees, returns, compensation and exemption from fines in favor of the Ministry of Local Administration and the Greater Amman Municipality.

The Cabinet has also approved a set of mitigating measures and decisions related to taxes, fees and rent owed by businesses and citizens due to Covid-19 pandemic.

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