Tunisian envoy visits Zarqa Chamber of Commerce, discusses economic cooperation

30-06-2021 12:39 PM

Ammon News - Tunisia's Ambassador to Jordan, Khalid Sohaili, and President of the Zarqa Chamber of Commerce, Hussein Shreim, discussed ways of economic cooperation and overcoming obstacles facing trade exchange between the Kingdom and Tunisia.

They also discussed establishing a partnership between the Zarqa Chamber of Commerce and its Tunisian counterpart and the signing of a twinning memorandum of understanding between the two chambers.

"Key Tunisian exports are clothing and textiles, agricultural products, mechanical goods, phosphates and chemicals, electrical equipment, spare parts for mechanical devices, cars and aircraft," Sohaili explained.

The Tunisian ambassador praised the attractive investment environment in Zarqa Governorate, northwest Amman, given its geographical location and its proximity to borders with neighboring countries.

For his part, Shreim stressed the importance of exchanging visits of delegations and trade missions as an important step to activate their trade exchanges, and the need for cooperation in the investment and tourism field between the two countries.

Shreim indicated that the volume of trade exchange between Jordan and Tunisia in 2020 was modest, and does not rise to the size of the common ambition of the two brotherly countries, as the value of national exports to Tunisia amounted to $5.98 million, while the volume of imports from Tunisia for the same year amounted to $13.95 million.

The two sides discussed the possibility of establishing a direct partnership between the Jordanian and Tunisian sides, such as marketing Tunisian olive oil to neighboring markets, the European Union and the United States.

The meeting was attended by Tunisian Foreign Affairs Adviser Al-Assad Shawqi Al-Masli, Commercial Attache Atef Al-Ghariani and members of the Zarqa Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.

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