Ammon News - The European Union and Expertise France, within the framework of their partnership with the Jordan Armed Forces, has announced the inauguration of the Logistics and Administrative Hub of the “Reinforcing Jordan’s Capabilities at the Eastern Borders” project.
The EU has funded this €6 million project, with the aim of improving the coordination and sustainability of civil-military operations along Jordan’s Eastern border, through the provision of a multi-agency logistical hub in Ruwaished, Mafraq Governorate, as well as through capacity building activities. The project also aims to reinforce the Jordanian Armed Forces’ humanitarian operations at the borders.
The Administrative and Logistics Hub will help enhance the national authorities’ capability to respond to any threats at the Northern and Eastern borders that could hamper Jordan’s security. It will also contribute to the sustainable resumption of normal cross-border traffic with Iraq and to improve the humanitarian and civil protection response.
Mrs. Marina Rafti, Deputy Head of the European Union Delegation to Jordan, stressed that “through this project, the EU has sought to support the coordination and sustainability of civ-mil operations in the Eastern part of Jordan, improving inter-agency coordination and response in civil protection and disaster management. Such improved coordination would help respond to security threats at the Eastern borders with Syria and Iraq and to potential humanitarian crises.”