Ammon News - The Jordan Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission in cooperation with the European Union launched a twinning project to support National Institutional efforts in Jordan to strengthen Integrity and corruption prevention, which are managed by the Jordanian Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission.
Funded by the EU, this project aims to review the application of the national integrity standards in the public sector to guarantee the implementation, compliance with, and activation of these standards with related institutions in Jordan.
Additionally, the project focuses on creating mechanisms that enable the Jordan Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission and its specialized directorates to effectively assess corruption risks within sectors that are selected from public sector institutions, which are the target institutions of the project.
The EU Ambassador to Jordan, H.E Maria Hadjitheodosiou, stated that "the EU and Jordan’s cooperation on integrity and corruption prevention has progressed over the years. [..] This twinning will soon run in parallel and synergize with another programme on integrity and accountability that OECD should start implementing soon for an amount of € 6,8 million.”