Ammon News - Minister of Agriculture Khaled Huniefat on Saturday met with Representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Jordan, Nabil Assaf, and discussed with him areas of cooperation between the Kingdom and the UN organization in the agricultural domain.
The minister highlighted the Kingdom’s efforts to achieve food security and support farmers across the country to increase their production and productivity. He also spoke about endeavors underway to open up new markets and empower rural communities.
The FAO official said the organization is co-implementing with the Jordanian government a number of agricultural projects designed to bolster food security by increasing agricultural systems’ outputs and productivity, which help ensure availability and diversity of agricultural produce.
Jordan’s partnership with the FAO covers several areas , including the reuse of water, aquaculture, the sustainable management of forests and pastures, protection of biodiversity and sustainable food systems.
The organization’s program team presented current projects being implemented in Jordan, the value of which is estimated at $ 18 million, in addition to a $25-million grant that the Kingdom has recently received from the Green Climate Fund to enhance adaptation to climate change by improving water use efficiency in the agricultural sector.
The meeting agreed on the need to focus on developing and implementing action plans for food security in these difficult times, including ensuring the continuity of the global food supply chain.
It also called for institutional coordination and consultation with all actors in the food value chain and protecting people who have lost their jobs and livelihoods as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, in addition to supporting family farming and small holders.