Mum abused at school gates by fellow parent over contents of her son's lunchbox

26-01-2021 01:28 PM

Ammon News - A mum was confronted at the school gates and told to change the snacks she packs into her son's lunchbox by another parent who accused her of "thinking she's better than other mums".

A parent has revealed she was abused at the school gates and called a "b****" by a fellow mum over the snacks she packs into her son's lunchbox each day.

The mum says that her son Sam is in primary school and since he started eating real food they've always tried to instil healthy eating habits into his diet as their family has a history of obesity and diabetes.

She says like any household they have unhealthy food in the cupboard and it's simply eaten in moderation, but she is lucky her son loves fruit and vegetables.

Recently, Sam as been asking her to pack extra into his lunchbox and she assumed he was just hungrier than usual as he's been going through a growth spurt.

But when she went to pick up her son from school one day, she was approached by another parent and asked if she was Sam's mum.

"I said I was and introduced myself, and she said ‘So you’re the one who thinks you’re better than all the other mums'," she wrote.

"I was extremely confused and asked her what she meant and that there must be some kind of misunderstanding.

"She told me that Sam has been sharing his snacks with other kids, and her son has been asking her to pack him the same sort of stuff. She said that since she can’t afford it, it makes her look like a terrible mum."

The situation escalated and the other mum demanded that she should start sending Sam into school with more 'appropriate' snacks.

"I told her that wasn’t going to happen, we encourage eating healthy and these are the snacks my son asks for each day.

"I am not going to make him take something he doesn’t want because it's offending her. I just walked away."

People were left baffled after she shared the story on Reddit, with readers offering support for the mum and saying she was right to stand her ground, as reported by

One said: "So you should send your son to school with potato chips for a snack to make some stranger feel better?"

And another wrote: "This woman is obviously insecure about her income/parenting and is looking for someone to blame for it."


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