Ammon News - AMMONNEWS - Officials preparing for Trump’s visit to the UK have reportedly been considering ways to keep the US president away from flights of stairs and slopes, after claims he has a phobia of both.
Although it is impossible for the president to avoid them completely during his visit to places such as Buckingham Palace. Holding events on the ground floor and planning routes without steps are all being considered, The Independent reported, citing an official.
“I’ve heard this discussed in meetings about the state visit… Trump won’t be able to avoid the stairs at the Palace but they can plan things to minimize it,” UK daily, The Sunday Times wrote, quoting another official source.
It has been widely reported that the president has a fear of stairs, known as bathmophobia. However, there is little evidence available supporting the claim.
The White has also noted that the claim is “absurd”.
Mr Trump was invited January to visit the UK by British Prime Minister Theresa May. So far the date for the visit has not been set.