Ammon News - AMMONNEWS - An Iraqi teacher in the city of Hillah in Babel in Iraq taught Grade 5 students a life lesson through the use of a mathematical equation.
The teacher who was identified as Hamid, according to Iraqi television channels, wrote 2+2=5 on the board in Grade 5 and then asked students to read out what he wrote. The students complied despite their disapproval and hesitation.
However a student argued that the equation was false. The teacher then asked: “Do you think I am wrong?” The student wittingly replied: “You know better and you are wiser but you are wrong in this one.”
This student’s reaction encouraged the others to do the same and argue with the teacher that the equation he wrote is incorrect.
The teacher eventually told them that as students they must always ask questions and never take anything for granted just because an older person or a person with a higher authority said it.
* Al Arabiya