Ammon News - AMMONNEWS - The Lower House of Parliament, on Sunday, endorsed the Securities Act temporary law No. 76.
According to its rationale, the law aims to cope with changes and developments that have necessitated the development of the Securities Law and adopting new methods in dealing with, recording, documenting, price-settling securities as well as opening to the global economic and financial markets and promoting prior investors' prevention and protection, in addition to diversifying investment tools in the local financial market.
Under the law, Jordan Securities Commission (JSC) Board of Commissioners is entitled to take measures in case of violating the law that include removing the violation within the period specified, stop issuing any securities related to the violator, suspending, revoking or restricting the licensing or accrediting the violator and suspend him from dealing in the financial market as well as imposing not more than JD100,000 fine.
In a meeting chaired by the Lower House Speaker, Atef Tarawneh and attended by Prime Minister Hani al-Mulki and the cabinet members, the Lower House decided to set on Tuesday a date to discuss the gas agreement with Israel according to a parliamentary memorandum that demands the government to provide the house with the agreement.