Interior Minister, UNHCR official discuss Syrian refugee crisis

20-02-2017 07:15 AM

Ammon News - AMMONNEWS - The international community and donors are required to launch productive projects and programs in Jordan to ease off part of the Syrian refugee burden the Kingdom has been coping with during the past few years, Minister of Interior, Ghaleb al-Zo'ubi said on Monday.

The minister told Representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to Jordan, Stefano Severe, that the Syrian refugee crisis has left major impact on the national economy and infrastructure and stretched out already-limited resources.

Al-Zo'ubi emphasized that the international community should take a more serious stance and put into consideration Jordan's capacity and capabilities. Since the breakout of the crisis in Syria, the minister noted, Jordan has been advocating a political solution that would bring an end to the bloodshed in that Arab country and preserve its territorial integrity.

Discussing the UNHCR's activities in the Kingdom, Al-Zo'ubi said his ministry was committed to supporting the UN agency to do its job without any hindrances.

Severe said the UN body is aware of the implications of the Syrian crisis on Jordan, adding that part of the UNHCR's work in Jordan is to determine the Kingdom's needs and work to fulfill them.

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